Legal Dictionary -> ACCOMPLICE


ACCOMPLICE, crim. law. This term includes in its meaning, all persons who have been concerned in the commission of a crime, all particepes crimitis,whether they are considered in strict legal propriety, as principals in thefirst or second degree, or merely as accessaries before or after the fact.Foster, 341; 1 Russell, 21; 4 Bl. Com. 331; 1 Phil. Ev. 28; Merlin,Repertoire, mot Complice. U. S. Dig. h.t. 2. But in another sense, by the word accomplice is meant, one who notbeing a principal, is yet in some way concerned in the commission of acrime. It has been questioned, whether one who was an accomplice to asuicide can be punished as such. A case occurred in Prussia where asoldier, at the request of his comrade, had cut the latter in pieces; forthis he was tried capitally. In the year 1817, a young woman named Leruthreceived a recompense for aiding a man to kill himself. He put the point ofa bistouri on his naked breast, and used the hand of the young woman toplunge it with greater force into his bosom; hearing some noise he orderedher away. The man receiving effectual aid was soon cured of the wound whichhad been inflicted; and she was tried and convicted of having inflicted thewound, and punished by ten years' imprisonment. Lepage, Science du Droit,ch. 2 art. 3, Sec. 5. The case of Saul, the king of Israel, and his armorbearer, (1 Sam. xxxi. 4,) and of David and the Amelekite, (2 Sam. i. 2-16,)will doubtless occur to the reader.

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