Legal Dictionary -> ROBBERYSearch:
ROBBERYROBBERY, crimes. The felonious and forcible taking from the person of
another, goods or money to any value, by violence or putting him in fear. 4 Bl. Com. 243 1 Bald. 102. 2. By "taking from the person" is meant not only the immediate taking from his person, but also from his presence when it is done with violence and against his consent. 1 Hale, P. C. 533; 2 Russ. Crimes, 61. The taking must be by violence or putting the owner in fear, but both these circumstances need not concur, for if a man should be knocked down and then robbed while be is insensible, the offence is still a robbery. 4 Binn. R. 379. And if the party be put in fear by threats and then robbed, it is not necessary there should be any greater violence. 3. This offence differs from a larceny from the person in this, that in the latter, there is no violence, while in the former the crime is incomplete without an actual or constructive force. Id. Vide 2 Swift's Dig. 298. Prin. Pen. Law, ch. 22, Sec. 4, p. 285; and Carrying away; Invito Domino; Larceny; Taking.
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