Legal Dictionary -> WILL


WILL, criminal law. The power of the mind which directs the actions of a man. 2. In criminal law it is necessary that there should be an act of the will to commit a crime, for unless the act is wilful it is no offence. 3. It is the consent of the will which renders human actions commendable or culpable, and where there is no win there can be no transgression. 4. The defect or want of will may be classed as follows: 1. Natural, as that of infancy. 2. Accidental; namely, 1st. Dementia. 2d. Casualty or chance. 3d. Ignorance. (q.v.) 3. Civil; namely, 1st. Civil subjection. 2d. Compulsion. 3d. Necessity. 4th. Well-grounded fear. Hale's P. C. c. 2 Hawk. P. C. book 1, c. 1.

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